Lifeline is a federal government program that provides a monthly discount on home or wireless telephone services or internet service. Only one (1) Lifeline benefit is allowed per household. A household is not permitted to receive Lifeline benefits from multiple service providers. Your household is everyone in your home (including children and people who are not related to you) and shares income and household expenses. Violation of the one per household rule is a violation of federal rules and will result in de-enrollment from the Lifeline program and potential prosecution by the United States Government. Lifeline is non-transferrable and must be recertified annually. Lifeline monthly telephone or internet service discount up to $34.25, for one service per household.
LinkUp service is a one-time discount that covers up to $100.00 of one-time installation of telephone or internet service.
Lifeline is available to all residential customers who reside on the San Carlos Apache Reservation and who participate in one of the following eligible programs:
- Federal Public Housing Assistance
- Veterans and/or Survivors Pension Benefit
- Tribal Food Distribution (FDPIR)
- BIA General Assistance
- Head Start Qualifiers (New)
- Medicaid (AHCCCS and Kids Care)
- SNAP (Food Stamps)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Tribal TANF
Get your Universal Lifeline Application.